Protect Yourself Against The Shark Tank Keto Scam

Don’t Fall For This Deceitful Marketing Ploy!

If you’ve seen keto supplements appear on the famous US reality show Shark Tank….then you are special! Why? Because you are the only one! What we are about to show you will blow your mind and make you rethink everything you ever thought about when it comes to choosing a quality keto supplement.

Let's start with - at no point has any keto product ever featured on the show, let alone, been endorsed by any of the Sharks, but that hasn’t stopped one fraudulent company from scamming millions of consumers and blatantly lying about their product breaching every legal loophole when it comes to online advertising!

Truth is, there are some incredibly effective keto supplements on the market that are changing lives and enhancing lifestyles. But how do you discern between the real deal versus the charlatans? We are going to show how!

Fake News: Shark Tank Keto is a hoax! This photo is completely photoshopped.

What Is The Shark Tank Keto Scam?

We were appalled to discover a company who are deceitfully cashing in on the keto diet craze and are blatantly lying about their involvement with the Shark Tank TV show. False representation of a product online is a serious business and we are here to help you navigate scammers like these guys. If you know what we are talking about and share our outrage at deceitful companies, you may want to go straight to our advice on finding a great keto product. If you need more convincing on...

At this stage, we can't even tell you the name of the product because their name changes like the weather that we can’t even keep up with their name changes! For ease of reference, we will refer to them as Shark Tank Keto.

Let’s get straight to the deceitful lies…..

Lie #1:

Their website claims that their keto supplement was presented on Shark Tank by sisters Anna and Samantha Martin.
There are so many misrepresentations on this website, that each one requires its own section.

  1. No keto supplement was mentioned or promoted on Shark Tank. Ever. There are even videos made by the television show Shark Tank to state that they never once endorsed a keto product.
  2. The sisters featured on this website did appear on Shark Tank however, they presented to the sharks about their swimwear business and are really named Shelly Hyde and Kara Haught.
  3. This supplement has never been mentioned by and is not supported by Entertainment Today, Insider News, The New York Times, Today, Oprah Winfrey, StyleWatch or Redbook as the top icons on their website would suggest.
  4. The bottle image is even bogus. Because this product is constantly flagged by Google as a scam, this company is constantly creating new product names and bottle images.

A snapshot of the bogus “review” website

Lie #2:

Sarah Johnson, a nutritional scientist from Stanford University, promotes Shark Tank Keto supplement on Instagram.

Fake social media accounts aren’t something new, they are popping up everywhere but this company has created an account that really does push the boundaries. They feature example ‘before and after’ weight loss pictures of people who have allegedly taken their product. These were all proven to be stolen images from real people (as per many comments were stated on their Instagram). False identities were attributed to the photos and claimed to be a result of the Shark Tank Keto product.

An additional disturbing piece to this deception are the dishonest weight loss accounts designed to catfish vulnerable people looking to lose weight. You can read stories of girls who were force fed by their abusive boyfriends and were saved by this keto product. These were all proven to be completely false.

Not surprisingly, “Sarah Johnson” had her Twitter accounts suspended due to violation of impersonation and spam rules.

Lie #3:

Celebrities images are featured on the product website.

Photos of celebrities such as Adele, Kim Kardashian and Sofia Vergara, are shamelessly splashed all over the Shark Tank Keto product website. Additionally, this company writes many “fake news” articles where they will even attribute quotes to these celebrities. They use shocking headlines designed to reel you in which simply are totally made up of libellous garbage.

There is a revolving door of celebrities such as the ones mentioned above because as soon as a celebrity is made aware of the use of their image, it is immediately taken down and replaced with another one.

Due to the lack of transparency of the manufacturer, there is no one the celebrity can sue in this situation. Their images are removed, the product name changes, and the next celebrity is targeted.

Lie #4:

Free bottle with only $5 shipping costs!

Who could refuse a free bottle? Unfortunately, many customers wish they hadn’t been lured in by this fake deal.

The way the scam works is that customers are asked for a credit card for $5 towards shipping costs. However, when they check their credit card statements, they are in for a brutal shock. Most people report being charged a huge sum, usually ranging from $273-$500! They didn’t read the small print!

When an attempt is made to reach a customer service department, horror sinks in when the realization hits that there is none. Does this sound like a nightmare? It should.

The Better Business Bureau’s website has a page dedicated to review after review from customers who were scammed out of their money. Not only were they unable to get their money refunded, but the company had also signed them up for autoship programs so that each month more money was taken out of their accounts. Customers spent days trying to dispute credit card payments until they finally gave up and just cancelled their cards in order to stop further charges.

Here’s an example of one review on the BBB’s site:

Read Enough? Click Here To See Which Products We Found To Be Reliable & Effective

Who Is Behind This Scam? And How Can They Get Away With It?

The manufacturer is a professional online thief who hides behind proxies (a service that hides details to allow you to be more invisible on the net) making it impossible to uncover their true identity.

Everytime a product is flagged as a fake, the manufacturer simply changes the product name and continues on. The pills stay the same, the website retains the same layout as does the fake review site just being marketed under a different name.

There have literally been hundreds of names that have been attached to this product. Here is just a small sample of what we have collected thus far:

  • Keto Pure
  • Instant Keto
  • Ultra Fast Keto Boost
  • Keto Slim
  • Keto Bodytone
  • Wellthy Keto Fuel
  • Keto Logic
  • Keto Boost Drink
  • Natural Burn Keto
  • Speed Keto
  • Keto Max Reviews
  • Platinum Fit Keto
  • Pure Keto Premium
  • Keto Boost Powder
  • Keto Plus Pro
  • Fantastic Keto
  • Keto Burn
  • Spring Hall Health Keto
  • Swift Trim Keto
  • Keto Pro Slim Australia
  • Slimlinic Keto
  • Spring Hall Health Keto
  • Keto Purefit
  • Trubodx Keto
  • Wonder Full Keto
  • Kato Alpha Femme
  • Keto Pro Slim
  • Revolyn Keto Burn
  • Keto Plus Avis
  • Keto Genix
  • Keto Ruokavalio
  • Keto Ultra
  • Keto Slim Ambition
  • Keto Teal Farms
  • Keto Organa
  • Keto Buzz
  • Keto Max Fit
  • Alkatone Keto
  • Nutra Surreal Keto
  • Keto Burn Xtreme
  • Keto Teal Farms
  • Vida Tone
  • Keto Blast
  • Naturnica
  • 365 Keto Life
  • Greenforce
  • Keto Maxwell
  • Keto Plus Höhle der Löwen
  • Super Keto
  • Keto Plus Bewertungen
  • Keto Plus Diät
  • Super Keto Reviews
  • Keto Piller
  • Keto Plus Gotas
  • Keto Mode
  • Balanced Body Keto
  • Keto Liquid
  • Keto Emagrecedor
  • Keto 10x
  • Slim Ambition Keto
  • Active Luxe Keto
  • Keto Liquid Australia
  • Ultra Fast Keto Boost
  • Keto Liquid Reviews
  • Enhanced Keto Pills
  • Organa Keto
  • DX Lean Diet
  • MomenTrim Keto
  • KetoGen RX
  • Keto 180 Diet
  • Total Fit Boost Forskolin
  • Keto Factor Forskolin
  • Keto Pro X
  • Rapid Trim 24/7
  • Super S Keto
  • Keto Advanced Weight Loss
  • Ingredient Science Keto Formula
  • Keto Power
  • Safe Meds Keto
  • Keto Advantage
  • Maximum Strength Forskolin
  • Keto Zen
  • Keto X Factor
  • Keto 800 BHB
  • NutraSurreal Keto Diet pill
  • Keto Pure
  • Keto Flex
  • Keto Life Keto Shred
  • K2 Slim Keto
  • Miraculous Ketone
  • Keto Burn Xtreme
  • Keto Hack
  • Ketogenix Max
  • Keto Prime
  • Biorganic Forskolin / Keto
  • Alkatone Keto
  • Keto BHB
  • Vital Slim Keto Genesis
  • Keto 6
  • Pure Life Keto
  • Keto Slim 7
  • Keto Fuel
  • Marathon Keto
  • Green Vibe
  • Slim Tone Keto
  • Keto Buzz
  • Keto Lit BHB
  • Holistic Bliss Keto
  • Keto XS
  • Keto Supreme Forskolin
  • Keto Kandy
  • Balanced Body Keto
  • Keto Power Slim
  • Rapid Fast Keto Boost
Click to see more..

Each product name represents the hundreds of customers who have been duped by this company. The sheer magnitude is overwhelming. All the time and effort spent deceiving people could have been spent actually manufacturing a good quality keto supplement! Oh, the irony!

Read Enough? Click Here To See Which Products We Found To Be Reliable & Effective

Shark Tank Keto - Stay Away!

If the names are not enough to identify this product manufacturer, then we want to show you what their website looks like in case you stumble upon it. Clearly, you can see the same text appears from website to website with only small changes in colors or photo models. You might not even notice the different names on the bottles unless you look closely.

Note that all these screenshots lead to different websites. As soon as one product is revealed to be a scam, the website is no longer active and it is immediately replaced with a new one.

Scroll through screenshots of their scammy websites:

Seen enough? So have we. This is a shocking example of what to stay away from when looking for a quality keto supplement that, when used correctly, can get you great results. The Keto Diet has been clinically proven to help millions of people worldwide and manufacturers like this are putting that in jeopardy.

How To Be A Savvy Consumer When Buying A Keto Supplement

The great news is that there are certain things that you can look out for that will help reduce the chance that you will be taken for a ride. Equip yourself with the insider information every savvy consumer needs in order to reach their keto weight loss goals.

Tip #1:

Find a safe and reputable manufacturer

Make sure your keto supplement is manufactured in a laboratory which is compliant with the current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations that are enforced by the FDA.

Look for the following symbols on packages and websites to ensure safety and efficacy in your keto supplement:

Tip #2:

Find a fantastic keto product!

You don’t have to be a scientist to understand keto supplement labels. Thanks to the internet, you can easily educate yourself about which ingredients should be included.

To make things super easy for you we have pinpointed the following ingredients, based on current research, which should be found in abundance in a quality keto product and are crucial for boosting ketosis:

  • 2,000mg of BHB Exogenous ketones (to boost and maintain ketosis)
  • All 4 types of BHB ketone salts - Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium (for maximum results)
  • MCT Oil (to increase ketone production)
  • BioPerine® (to speed up results)
  • Veggie capsule (more easily absorbed)

Read the clinical studies here, here and here to understand how these ingredients work together to provide the maximum aid to be successful on the keto diet.

Tip #3:

Check the company's reputation!

The quickest way to suss out a company is to look for a customer service phone number - and then call it! The harder you have to search for one, the more your suspicion should be raised when you don’t find it.

Read reviews from actual customers to ensure you find a company where your needs are important and valued.

Tip #4:

Ensure a return policy and money-back guarantee.

Check out the manufacturer's return policy and guarantee. A well-formulated product backed by a trustworthy manufacturer will have a solid money-back guarantee. A quality money back guarantee is indicative of the confidence the manufacturer has in their product and the results you are likely to experience.

Which Keto Supplement Is Worth Your Money?

If you want a keto supplement to enhance your keto diet and give you real results, we recommend Research Verified® Keto.

After reviewing hundreds of keto products and manufacturers, Research Verified® Keto consistently remains in a class by itself. Some of its unique qualities include that:

When a keto supplement proves itself over and over again as a top-quality, safe and effective, there is no need to hide behind false websites and credit card scams.

Caveat Emptor

Shark Tank Keto is going down as the largest scandal to hit the ketogenic supplement industry. Learn from customers who have lost hundreds of dollars and don’t be duped! Choose a quality keto supplement to help you achieve your keto goals.

Top 3 Products Proven To Get You Into Ketosis


Rating: Excellent

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  • High Quality Ingredients
  • The Right Proportions
  • Risk Free Trial
  • Affordable Price
  • Powerful Testimonials
  • Reputable History

#1 Top Pick

Research Verified Keto

If you want to try a ketogenic supplement, then Research Verified should be your first choice. If any keto supplement is going to work for you, this is it.

It contains 4 different types of BHB ketone salts (Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium), a large dose of 2400 mg daily serving, MCT oil to maintain ketosis and BioPerine® for increased absorption, it doesn’t have any binders, fillers or unnecessary ingredients, and is 100% safe to use.


Their product contains top quality Keto activating Beta Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) salts derived from top quality resources. Also, it contains Bioperine® for increased absorption and fast acting results.


Their reputation is top notch. They have several third party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.


All purchases of Research Verified Keto are backed by a 365 day Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee. That is the best guarantee that we have seen from any manufacturer. This 1 year guarantee shows how confident they are in their product.

Perhaps most importantly, they’re an established company that offers excellent customer service, safe checkout and on-time delivery.

They clearly have a commitment to quality as well, and guarantee that their supplements are made in an FDA registered laboratory that is cGMP certified.

So, if you’re looking for the best ketogenic supplement available from a reputable company with a rock solid 365 day money back guarantee, we’d say this is the product to try.

The only issue with Research Verified is that due to the high demand they are often sold out. To avoid having to put yourself on a waiting list, take advantage of the benefits while they’re still in stock.

Find Out More

Rating: Good

#2 Pick

Nutrigold 7-Keto Gold

Just behind our number one choice is a product called 7-Keto Gold by a company called NutriGold. The manufacturers of this product call it a multi-patented metabolism support designed to regulate thermogenic enzymes in the body to increase metabolism. This product is sold on Amazon, which is very convenient for when you run out and need to buy some more. However, it only contains active ingredients derived from DHEA and does not contain any BHB derived salts, which is the fundamental active ingredient required in a good Keto product. In addition, it doesn't provide a strong daily dosage with 1 veggie capsule only containing 100 mg. When you compare this to other similar products that contain over 1,000 mg, this is very low and likely to not yield great results.

We also liked that fact that it is vegetarian, vegan and kosher friendly. On a positive note, it doesn’t contain any unnecessary ingredients, such as unhelpful proprietary blends. This is a well known company and we felt that it was definitely a well made product. One small issue was the fact that it contains rice flour (without actually stating how much). This filler provides no benefit whatsoever and red flags are raised over the amount in each capsule, especially given that the active ingredients only provide 100 mg per day daily serving. Could it be that the inactive ingredients overpower the active ingredients?

We were left wondering whether this product really was as good as the manufacturer claims. Clinical studies show that the ingredients it contains are beneficial, and our own tests showed that it was a good product, but we would like to have seen some exogenous ketone salts included in their formula. For this reason, it fell slightly short of our #1 choice. We also didn't like the fact that it contained rice flour and that we could not see any customer reviews that support the product. However, saying all of that, if you don’t mind taking a chance, this product could be for you.

Rating: OK

#3 Pick

Now 7-KETO Weight Management

Our #3 choice is a product called 7-KETO Weight Management made by a company called Now vitamins. This product contains vegetarian friendly capsules that contain 100 mg of DHEA Acetate-7-one, which they suggest taking twice a day, which would provide a daily serving of 200 mg. This manufacturer claims that DHEA is involved in many biological functions including cellular production of heat (thermogenesis) which in turn boosts metabolism and thus, helps the process of weight loss.

However, this product remains a slight mystery in that even though it is marketed as a product for boosting ketosis, it does not contain any exogenous ketone salts in their formula and it also fails to provide a potent daily serving. Since the company itself has a good track record in the industry, and we were able to find several positive reviews about the effectiveness of this product, we do consider this to be a solid product. Just remember that it has a few slight disadvantages.

A serving only contains 200 mg of DHEA, which is not the key ingredient that is used in clinical studies plus, it does not contain any ingredient that helps to increase absorption such as piperine. This means that we have no real true idea of whether or not this supplement will get you the results you are looking for because there are no studies to back up the key ingredient in their product. We did like the fact that it is vegan and vegetarian friendly, and that it is formulated for helping weight loss.

If you don’t mind taking a product that doesn't contain ketone boosting salts, and a lower daily dosage as our #1 product, then this product could be right for you.

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