How Exactly Do Keto Supplements Work?

For many people, the quest to find a way to lose weight fast with little effort can be a long and arduous road, which often leads them to supplements. They’ve tried them all, but none of them work. Until now.

It’s hard to believe, but ketogenic supplements are the secret we’ve all been waiting for. Plenty of people have used them and seen weight just fall off – even in those tough spots like the stomach and thighs. From our research, we’ve come to the conclusion that ketogenic supplements can work wonders, given a top quality product that contains the most effective source of exogenous ketone boosting salts.

Several leading doctors and nutritionists, including the world’s most famous TV doctor and other weight loss gurus, have endorsed ketogenic supplements as a miracle weight-loss supplement. They have been studied in clinical trials where participants lost a significant amount of body fat, while increasing their lean body mass. Where others have failed again and again, finally this natural way to magically burn fat has come to light that can change our lives.

So what should you look for in a ketogenic supplement?

We expect you to be wary – we were, too. We have all been let down by products that promise to help us lose weight, only to find a month later that nothing has changed. But keto supplements really do work – if you find a legitimate, quality supplement.

Whenever a diet/health craze like this hits the market, dozens of companies spring up overnight to try and cash in. As a result, you’ll find lots of watered-down keto products that promise results they simply can’t deliver.

A good supplement will use the highest-quality ingredients, and contain exogenous ketones typically beta-hydroxybutyrate salts bound to ketone salts such as magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. You should also look for reputable companies that sell a range of supplements.

When you see a company that’s only selling a ketogenic supplement and uses some hot marketing word in the name, you’re going to want to steer clear.

If you want to try out this promising supplement, check out our review of keto products, where we analyzed the ingredients, company reputation, customer reviews, and more to help our readers find the supplements that don’t mess around. Now, you don’t have to scratch your head when you Google ‘ketogenic supplements or ketosis’ and end up with 25 different results. We’ve taken the guesswork out of the equation!

What makes ketosis so effective for burning fat?

The secret lies in using effective top quality ingredients to optimize the body's natural mechanisms to boost ketosis. When ketosis occurs, lower levels of blood sugar may help boost the metabolism and increase the body's ability to burn fat. Using ketone salts (exogenous ketones as oppose to endogenous ketones) that are derived from Beta Hydroxybutyrate (BHB), are the most effective, clinically proven ingredients to help achieve ketosis.

Essentially, exogenous ketones boost the body's natural ability to reach ketosis quicker. Once in ketosis, the body will burn more fat. Ketone boosting supplements are not fat burning in themselves, but they will make the process of achieving ketosis easier. A ketone boost can also help boost energy, sharpen focus and enhance mental clarity. If you are looking to lose weight and reach optimal health in a natural way, then a ketogenic supplement is definitely for you.


Rating: Excellent

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#1 Top Pick

Research Verified Keto

If you want to try a ketogenic supplement, then Research Verified should be your first choice. If any keto supplement is going to work for you, this is it.

It contains 4 different types of BHB ketone salts (Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium), a large dose of 2400 mg daily serving, MCT oil to maintain ketosis and BioPerine® for increased absorption, it doesn’t have any binders, fillers or unnecessary ingredients, and is 100% safe to use.


Their product contains top quality Keto activating Beta Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) salts derived from top quality resources. Also, it contains Bioperine® for increased absorption and fast acting results.


Their reputation is top notch. They have several third party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.


All purchases of Research Verified Keto are backed by a 365 day Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee. That is the best guarantee that we have seen from any manufacturer. This 1 year guarantee shows how confident they are in their product.

Perhaps most importantly, they’re an established company that offers excellent customer service, safe checkout and on-time delivery.

They clearly have a commitment to quality as well, and guarantee that their supplements are made in an FDA registered laboratory that is cGMP certified.

So, if you’re looking for the best ketogenic supplement available from a reputable company with a rock solid 365 day money back guarantee, we’d say this is the product to try.

The only issue with Research Verified is that due to the high demand they are often sold out. To avoid having to put yourself on a waiting list, take advantage of the benefits while they’re still in stock.

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Rating: Good

#2 Pick

Nutrigold 7-Keto Gold

Just behind our number one choice is a product called 7-Keto Gold by a company called NutriGold. The manufacturers of this product call it a multi-patented metabolism support designed to regulate thermogenic enzymes in the body to increase metabolism. This product is sold on Amazon, which is very convenient for when you run out and need to buy some more. However, it only contains active ingredients derived from DHEA and does not contain any BHB derived salts, which is the fundamental active ingredient required in a good Keto product. In addition, it doesn't provide a strong daily dosage with 1 veggie capsule only containing 100 mg. When you compare this to other similar products that contain over 1,000 mg, this is very low and likely to not yield great results.

We also liked that fact that it is vegetarian, vegan and kosher friendly. On a positive note, it doesn’t contain any unnecessary ingredients, such as unhelpful proprietary blends. This is a well known company and we felt that it was definitely a well made product. One small issue was the fact that it contains rice flour (without actually stating how much). This filler provides no benefit whatsoever and red flags are raised over the amount in each capsule, especially given that the active ingredients only provide 100 mg per day daily serving. Could it be that the inactive ingredients overpower the active ingredients?

We were left wondering whether this product really was as good as the manufacturer claims. Clinical studies show that the ingredients it contains are beneficial, and our own tests showed that it was a good product, but we would like to have seen some exogenous ketone salts included in their formula. For this reason, it fell slightly short of our #1 choice. We also didn't like the fact that it contained rice flour and that we could not see any customer reviews that support the product. However, saying all of that, if you don’t mind taking a chance, this product could be for you.

Rating: OK

#3 Pick

Now 7-KETO Weight Management

Our #3 choice is a product called 7-KETO Weight Management made by a company called Now vitamins. This product contains vegetarian friendly capsules that contain 100 mg of DHEA Acetate-7-one, which they suggest taking twice a day, which would provide a daily serving of 200 mg. This manufacturer claims that DHEA is involved in many biological functions including cellular production of heat (thermogenesis) which in turn boosts metabolism and thus, helps the process of weight loss.

However, this product remains a slight mystery in that even though it is marketed as a product for boosting ketosis, it does not contain any exogenous ketone salts in their formula and it also fails to provide a potent daily serving. Since the company itself has a good track record in the industry, and we were able to find several positive reviews about the effectiveness of this product, we do consider this to be a solid product. Just remember that it has a few slight disadvantages.

A serving only contains 200 mg of DHEA, which is not the key ingredient that is used in clinical studies plus, it does not contain any ingredient that helps to increase absorption such as piperine. This means that we have no real true idea of whether or not this supplement will get you the results you are looking for because there are no studies to back up the key ingredient in their product. We did like the fact that it is vegan and vegetarian friendly, and that it is formulated for helping weight loss.

If you don’t mind taking a product that doesn't contain ketone boosting salts, and a lower daily dosage as our #1 product, then this product could be right for you.

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