Phytozine Anti-Fungal Ringworm Treatment Review
Phytozine Anti-Fungal Ringworm Treatment fell to the #2 spot when it didn’t quite make our cut as a top treatment. While this product does have some strong points, it failed in our eyes for containing tolnaftate as oppose to undecylenic acid, which we felt lowered the effectiveness. That said, it does contain several key anti fungal natural ingredients such as tea tree, lavender and clove plus it provides a skin soothing and healing function with ingredients such as almond oil. We liked this dual action format for combating ringworm, which we also found in our #1 product.
Is Phytozine Anti-Fungal Ringworm Treatment Effective?
While this treatment does not contain some important ingredients, we believe it should be effective, it just may take longer for consumers to see results. Let us stress, should be. In the lab, its ingredients showed consistency with their label claims. They did offer a money back guarantee which we felt demonstrated that they have confidence in their product.
Another strike against this product was the fact that it is only offered in one size, and it is very small amount. Sometimes, ringworm can cover large/multiple areas of the body that the small amount contained within this product would simply not be enough. So the consumer would have to purchase multiple bottles. Alot of other companies offer multiple package deals for several months’ worth of bottles, which would be more cost effective and can lower the price per bottle by quite a bit. With Phytozine Anti-Fungal Ringworm Treatment, you’re stuck paying the one-bottle price. Does that mean this company expects people to buy multiple bottles at the top price? It’s hard to say because the only option they give is one bottle.
The main issue here is that Phytozine Anti-Fungal Ringworm Treatment is offering a product with missing key ingredients such undecylenic acid. This manufacturer has tweaked the proven formula and it is hard for us to know if their ingredients/dosage will provide the same results.
Bottom Line: We are not sure if Phytozine Anti-Fungal Ringworm Treatment is effective as our #1 choice because they use tolnaftate as oppose to undecylenic acid.
Is Phytozine Anti-Fungal Ringworm Treatment Safe?
This product does contain a fungal fighting ingredient – tolnaftate, however, it is considered less effective than the ingredient we found in our top pick. As far as we could see, it has no reported side effects and can be taken with most medications.
The main concerns with this treatment are the missing key ingredient and the content amount, which is small. Furthermore, that they fail to offer a multiple bottle purchase deal left us feeling that this is perhaps not great value for money.

We believe this could be a good product, by adding the key ingredient of undecylenic acid plus an option to purchase multiple bottles at a cheaper price. But without these we had to place this product in our #2 spot.
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