Research Verified Nerve Support Review

This product was by far the best nerve support product we reviewed. There were multiple factors that made us consider it to be superior to all of the other products we tested.

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Why did we rate Research Verified Nerve Support as our #1 pick?

Primary Benefits:

  • Provides a triple-action, all-natural support system to optimize nerve health by soothing symptoms, supporting deficiencies, and promoting nerve regeneration.
  • Restores depleted nutrients such as Magnesium and B Vitamins - deficiencies of these nutrients often co-occur with nerve dysfunction and damage.
  • Contains Mag-X™ which has both Magnesium Glycinate and Oxide so it is gentler on the stomach.
  • Contains VitB-X™, a broad B Vitamin complex that can help improve overall nerve function and avoid permanent nerve damage.
  • Contains AlphaSym™, which contains both Alpha-Lipoic Acid and R-Alpha-Lipoic Acid, which can alleviate numbness or burning sensations in the hands and feet.
  • Contains 500mg Corydalis Extract, which can ease intense and recurring nerve-related pain.
  • Contains Boswellia Serrata Extract, which can reduce inflammation and help facilitate peripheral nerve regeneration.
  • Contains BioPerine® to increase the speed in which you can experience great results.
  • Is completely vegan, which can often be difficult to find.
  • Doesn’t contain any unnecessary ingredients and is NOT synthetic.
  • Supported by rave customer reviews – quite a few consumers reported seeing results in as little as one week.
  • Supported by excellent customer service and an extended risk-free trial period of an entire year.


We found Research Verified Nerve Support to be a highly effective supplement for alleviating the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. We believe this is due to the multi-action formula and high-quality ingredients. In addition to targeting nutrient deficiencies that can be the underlying causes of nerve damage, this formula also has effective ingredients to naturally help restore optimal nerve function and soothe numbing or burning sensations.

The ingredients are provided in potent doses and the formula is based on clinical research. We were impressed by the trademarked blends as well as the inclusion of BioPerine®. Firstly, Mag-X™ contains Magnesium Glycinate and Oxide which is important because many supplements don’t include Glycinate which is a highly absorbable form of Magnesium. Additionally, Magnesium is an essential mineral for maintaining optimal nerve function. Secondly, VitB-X™ includes 5 different B Vitamins, in their most bioavailable form in order to replenish any deficiencies, maintain healthy nerve activity, and help defend against long-term damage to nerves. In addition, the Research Verified Nerve Support formula contains AlphaSym™, a complex that is comprised of Alpha-Lipoic Acid and the highly bioavailable R-Alpha-Lipoic Acid to deliver effective alleviation of burning, numbing, or stinging sensations in the extremities. Lastly, BioPerine® is a patented Piperine extract that helps to increase nutrient absorption and strengthen the efficacy of supplements.

We were also impressed with the addition of 500mg Corydalis Extract and Boswellia Serrata Extract, both plant extracts that possess natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties for easing neuropathic pain, as well as boosting nerve regeneration.

The formula combined with the praise we found in customer reviews and the evident transparency and helpfulness of the company, won Research Verified Nerve Support 'checks' in all of the boxes:

  • Natural ingredients
  • Customer satisfaction and results
  • Customer service


Research Verified Nerve Support is a refreshing deviation from the norm of cheap supplements haphazardly thrown together. This company’s method seems to be simple and straightforward: stick with high-quality, natural ingredients in the same proportions shown in clinical studies to be effective. Furthermore, the manufacturing process is certified and safe. Research Verified Nerve Support is manufactured in an FDA-registered laboratory. It is also cGMP-certified, and complies with the US Pharmacopeia’s standards for quality and purity.This company clearly strives to keep its product as safe and natural as possible to suit every customer’s needs.


Research Verified Nerve Support was our #1 pick not just because of its quality and effectiveness, but also because it comes at a very reasonable price. There are several price options depending on how much you buy. A 1-month supply is $48, 3-month supply is $33 per bottle, and for the greatest cost savings, you can purchase a 6-month supply for only $24 per bottle. Not only that, but the company won’t put customers on an auto-ship program, so buyers don’t have to worry about recurring charges.

All orders are shipped out within 24 hours (except for those ordered on weekends and holidays). They are also sent in discreet packaging with no embarrassing slogans emblazoned across the boxes. To top it off, this company offers an unprecedented 365-day risk free trial. If for whatever reason customers are not 100% satisfied, they can ship the bottles back for a full refund at any point within a calendar year. Now, that’s a guarantee we can get behind!

To Summarize

Most people consider a few main points when shopping for products to ease peripheral neuropathy. They look for effectiveness, safety, affordability, and service. Across all four categories, none of what we tested even compared to Research Verified Nerve Support. For people looking for a reliable supplement that will deliver results, this product is our top recommendation – hands down!

What do their customers say?

Customer Reviews on Research Verified Nerve Support:

5stars After struggling for a while with blood sugar imbalance, my hands and feet started to randomly go numb and I started to experience prolonged pins and needles. I came across Research Verified Nerve Support after searching for a supplement. After just a few days of taking it, the numbness and pins and needles totally disappeared! I love this product! – Jeanne Shaw

5stars I had tried a few supplements for my nerve pain that just weren’t working for me. A friend recommended trying a Research Verified supplement as they had had great experiences with their products in the past. I ordered Nerve Support, but was not expecting it to work as well as it did! The formulation is so smart and I would honestly recommend this supplement and this brand to anyone who is having trouble finding natural supplements that actually work.– Alan Coleman

5stars My nerve pain and damage were really starting to make my life difficult. On top of the painful stinging sensations, I was also finding it hard to do daily tasks, like folding laundry or holding my toothbrush. I did a lot of research before deciding to try Nerve Support from Research Verified, but I am happy to say that this supplement has changed my life. I no longer have trouble with daily tasks, and my pain is so much better. – Samantha Mabel

5stars This supplement really works! I no longer suffer from sharp pains in my hands and feet! 5 Stars! Nerve Support is amazing! – Tom Anderson

5stars My doctor told me that my nerve-related pain was down to being deficient in both Magnesium and some B Vitamins. I tried separate supplements for Magnesium and B Vitamins, but they just didn’t work for me, and I was still experiencing constant pain. I saw Research Verified had a Nerve support supplement that includes both of these ingredients, plus other natural ingredients that target nerve damage and pain. It is safe to say that this supplement is the reason I am now pain-free. I recommend that everyone with nerve-related pain tries this supplement. – Andrea Winters

5stars I knew I could trust Nerve Support to work after reading more about the ingredients and Research Verified. The company offers a money-back guarantee for a full year, which shows a lot of confidence in their products, and allowed me to purchase Nerve Support completely stress-free. – Lucille Dean

5stars My nerves were damaged in an accident. I was experiencing excruciating, sharp pain in my arms, legs, hands, and feet that wouldn’t get better no matter what I tried. My physiotherapist recommended trying Research Verified Nerve Support after seeing the positive results on his other patients. I was a bit skeptical at first, but after about 1-2 weeks my pain was almost completely gone. – Dennis Albertson

FAQs about Research Verified Nerve Support:

  1. What is Research Verified Nerve Support, and what can it do for you?
    Research Verified Nerve support is an all-natural supplement that is intended to support optimal nerve health. It contains B Vitamins and Magnesium which are essential nutrients for nerve function. Additionally, it includes AlphaSym™ which is beneficial for peripheral neuropathy. It also includes potent plant extracts that provide natural nerve-enhancing effects. Lastly, it includes BioPerine® to improve nutrient absorption and speed up results.
  2. Does Research Verified Nerve Support work?
    We could find no reason for it not to work. It contains many ingredients that our research indicates have demonstrated positive effects on nerve health during clinical studies. Plus, it comes from a top-quality supplier and is backed by a 365-day money-back guarantee that demonstrates the manufacturer’s confidence in their product and allows you to shop without concern for wasting your money on an ineffective product.
  3. What about safety? Are there side effects to watch out for?
    From our research, we did not find any interference between Research Verified Nerve Support and other medications or conditions. In any case, we recommend consulting with a physician if you have a medical condition, take medications on a regular basis, or you are pregnant or nursing.
  4. How do I take Research Verified Nerve Support?
    You should follow the manufacturer's suggested directions. Research Verified recommends taking 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening.
  5. How long will it take to see the effects?
    Some customers we spoke to reported experiencing results from the first day, while for others it took longer. Results seem to be a bit different for each person. Some show unbelievable change right away, while for others it may take longer. Many of the reputable brands we reviewed offer refunds to customers who don’t see the results they want within a given time frame.
  6. How much does Research Verified Nerve Support cost?
    Research Verified offers several pricing options so you can choose the option that works best for you and save money on bulk purchases. You can buy a 1-month supply for $48, a 3-month supply for $33 per bottle, or a 6-month supply for $24 per bottle.
  7. What if I take other medications?
    Research Verified Nerve Support is made from natural ingredients and has not been reported to interfere with other medications or cause any side effects. Nevertheless, it is always recommended to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you are taking other medications.
  8. Can I safely order it over the internet?
    You can safely order Nerve Support from Research Verified through their website or Amazon storefront. This company keeps your credit card information private and guarantees that it won’t enroll you in “automatic billing” programs. Other companies may engage in shady business practices, including repeatedly charging your credit card, sometimes without your knowledge. Research Verified Nerve Support is safe to order online, and it also ships quickly and discreetly.
  9. Why should I choose Research Verified Nerve Support?
    It was our #1 pick for a reason! Ultimately, it excels in all the key areas – purity of ingredients, effectiveness, service, and customer satisfaction. This company obviously values people’s health and safety over the profit margins that drive other brands. Also, it clearly did significant research before formulating the ingredients and concentrations in Research Verified Nerve Support. It’s a brand that you can trust and depend upon. And if you want to see for yourself, just read the customer reviews! Clearly it leaves buyers highly satisfied and loyal to its brand. To summarize, we’ll break down the best points one more time:
    • It contains Mag-X™, a bioavailable blend of Magnesium Glycinate and Oxide to gently raise Magnesium levels and ease neuropathic pain.
    • It contains VitB-X™ which has B Vitamins to improve overall nerve function and prevent long-lasting nerve damage
    • It contains AlphaSym™, a highly absorbable Alpha-Lipoic Acid and R-Lipoic Acid complex to help alleviate numbing, burning, or tingling sensations.
    • It contains 500mg Corydalis Extract to reduce sharp and ongoing nerve pain.
    • It contains Boswellia Serrata Extract for its natural anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to help stimulate nerve rejuvenation.
    • It contains BioPerine® for increased absorption and fast acting results.
    • Its ingredients are high-quality and all-natural, with no added preservatives or other junk.
    • It is completely vegan and cruelty-free.
    • Its lab is FDA-registered and has cGMP certification.
    • The company complies with the standards for quality and purity outlined by the U.S. Pharmacopeia.
    • This product is reasonably priced.
    • The company has transparency and integrity.
    • Its guarantee is the most comprehensive and consumer friendly we’ve seen - 365-days to return if you aren’t satisfied!

At the end of the day, there are a lot of choices for nerve support supplements. It can get confusing to try to discern which ones out there are legitimate and which are fake or ineffective. We recommend Research Verified Nerve Support because it is a different kind of company. It is not trying to scam anybody or make a quick buck. Instead, it offers what more companies should: an effective product, fast results, superior service, a sincere concern for its buyers, and happy customers.

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