UltaLife – Her Harmony Review
We consider UltaLife – Her Harmony to be a better quality menopause support formula than other products available. Although not one of our top two choices, this company uses some fantastic key ingredients for providing excellent support and management of menopausal symptoms. This product has included Black Cohosh, and Soy Isoflavones, to name a but few. However, this list of ingredients falls short of our top products. Furthermore, it does not offer a separate formula for day and nighttime use, to target specific symptoms that women suffer during those different times. Thus, failing to provide a total 24 hour solution for menopause. In our eyes, this lowered the value of the product. The upshot is that consumers will need to take additional herbal supplements in order to achieve the desired effects of a separate day/night formula. That being said, this product is still relatively decent quality, so we wanted to give you the complete rundown.
Is UltaLife- Her Harmony Effective?
When a product claims to be made of 100% pure ingredients, by all means it should be effective. Let us stress, should be. One issue that raises a slight red flag here is that Natural Goal does not contain 5-HTP, Passionflower Extract, or Melatonin three key ingredients that aid in reducing anxiety, balancing mood swings and/or regulating the sleep cycles in menopausal women. It also does not contain Calcium, an important ingredient in helping menopausal women combat the effects of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, which many suffer.
UltaLife might be more effective, if it included more key ingredients and offered a separate day/night formula that would target specific symptoms ailing menopausal women. This way, consumers would not have to take additional supplements to receive the full benefits of our top pick. They were almost there with a quality product, but not quite.
Is UltaLife- Her Harmony Safe?
We did not find any ingredients in this product that would cause it to be unsafe, such as un-certified stimulant ingredients or other herbs. As for the ingredients in general, when in their pure form, are deemed to be a safe herbal supplement if taken according to proper recommendations. There are no reported side effects and it can be taken with most medications.
Our main concern is that this product does not have Third Party Testing to insure purity of ingredients and also does not offer a money back guarantee if the product does not work for you. These two elements puts in question if UltaLife is manufacturing a top quality, safe product. Furthermore, it doesn’t contain as many key effective ingredients as the #1 product.

UltaLife – Her Harmony had the right idea in making their product with some effective key ingredients like Black Cohosh and Soy Isoflavones. However, the exclusion of 5-HTP, Passionflower Extract, Melatonin, or Calcium; and the lack of a night/day formula left us wondering about the effectiveness and for us, it certainly lost a little appeal. The price was cheaper to other products in the market, which is probably due to the fact that it doesn’t contain so many key ingredients. Our final say is that these capsules would need to add more key ingredients, offer a separate day/night formula and provide Third Party Party testing and a money back guarantee to get a higher grade.