Dr. Sheffield’s Athlete’s Foot Cream Review
Dr. Sheffield’s Athlete’s Foot Cream fell to the #3 spot when it didn’t quite make our cut as a top treatment. While this product does have some strong points, it failed in our eyes for not containing undecylenic acid as it’s main active ingredients. In addition a lack of verified customer reviews left us wondering just how effective it actually is.
Is Dr. Sheffield’s Athlete’s Foot Cream Effective?
While this treatment does not contain undecylenic acid, we believe it should still be effective. It is based on a synthetic antifungal agent, but it does contain Aloe Vera and Vitamin E for soothing relief and enhanced skin healing. In the lab, its ingredients showed consistency with the label claims.
The main issue here is that Dr. Sheffield’s is offering a product with ingredients that look good, but may actually be less effective. This manufacturer has tweaked the proven formula and it is hard for us to know if this dosage will provide the same results.
So we went looking to see what consumers had to say, and it seems that there is a noticeable lack of reviews on this product. This may or may not be due to the inferior potency of the key ingredient. Most quality products have at least a few customer reviews, but for this one there were none to be found.
Bottom Line: We are not sure if Dr. Sheffield’s Athlete’s Foot Cream is effective due to the fact that the main ingredient is not undecylenic acid, as recommended by clinical studies. It is well known that health creams can work differently for different people, due to each body’s unique metabolism.
Is Dr. Sheffield’s Athlete’s Foot Cream Safe?
This product contains 1% clotrimazole, a synthetic antifungal agent along with aloe and vitamin E for soothing relief and improved healing. It is generally recognized as a safe treatment if it is taken according to proper recommendations. It has no common side effects and can be taken with most medications.
The only concern with this supplement is that the synthetic main ingredient may not be as effective as the recommended formula containing undecylenic acid. Some consumers think that if the treatment is not immediately effective, they can get ahead faster and see better results by using more than the recommended amount. It is important to keep in mind that using more than the recommended daily dose could potentially lead to unwanted side effects. If you stick with the recommended dosage and stay consistent, you should see results soon enough.

We believe this could be a good product, but we had questions about the effectiveness of the active ingredient. Taking into account that we also could not find any verified customer reviews, we had to place this product in our #3 spot./p>