Attention Garcinia Combigia Consumer :
Shocking Free Report Reveals:
“ The Single Most Dangerous Weight
Gaining Additive
That Imitation ‘Garcinia
Cambogia Companies’ Force Into Their
Formulas That Actually Make You Fat…
…That You Absolutely Must Avoid So You Get a an
Effective Garcinia Cambogia Extract That WORKS!
To Help You Lose Weight
Without Diet or

I’m Sure You’ve Heard:

That World Renowned Doctors & Wellness Professionals Recently Discovered The ‘Holy Grail of Weight Loss’ – The Ancient Indian Super Fruit, Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia has been hailed to be so effective at weight loss that you might not even need to exercise anymore to burn off all that extra fat. With this powerful ‘Fat Buster’ – there’s a big question you must answer:

How do you know you’re getting the authentic, real-deal 100% pure Garcinia Cambogia, a harmful imitation or even worse:

Because many companies hide a dangerous additive
that PREVENT weight loss to make you fat, just so you
buy more of their product…

So if you don’t know what to avoid, you’ll end up buying one of the many harmful imitations. You’ll waste money, put on extra pounds and end up missing out on all the wonderful benefits that authentic, 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia can give you.

Keep Reading to Discover the Difference Between 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia &
The Harmful & Fattening Imitation…

Dear Friend,

Hi there – listen, if you’re suffering with weight gain or just having difficulty getting rid of some extra pounds, I’m about to share something very exciting with you.

I’m going to show you how people just like you are getting relief from excess body-fat, weight-gain and uncontrollable eating-habits.

And I’m not talking about something addictive or with side effects. This my friend is a 100% natural gift from Mother Nature.

From now on, you don’t have to keep battling with those extra calories and insatiable appetites. And, you can forget about taking separate remedies to have more energy, feel happier and even more motivated.

ONE new supplement does everything and even keeps you feeling happy and energetic throughout the day. Plus, you can say ‘Good-Bye’ to feeling guilty about not exercising all the time – because you don’t have to anymore.

But I’m here to warn you – there are products out there claiming to be the solution that can harm you and make you fat. So in this free report, you’ll learn exactly what you need to avoid and what you must look for. Plus, at the end – I’ll show you the only Garcinia Cambogia product I recommend to my patients, family and even friends.

Listen, I see patients with weight-gain disorders and others who come to me for help to ‘control’ their appetites so they keep off the unwanted extra body fat. For years I advised exercise or eating a balanced diet. But it simply wasn’t enough to help my patients get rid of the body-fat they so desired.

Just like Christopher Columbus looked for the ‘New World’ – I set ship to find the ‘Holy Grail’ of weight loss.

Then one day, out of the blue, a colleague phoned me with the exciting news:

“we’ve found it!”. After in-depth analysis and an almost endless amount of research – I realized it was true:

What You’ll Learn In This Free Report

In this report I’m going to share with you the science why Garcinia Cambogia effects such dramatic weight loss in people who take it consistently, and in the right measure. You’ll learn why ancient Tribes used it to feel happy and energetic for long stretches of time. You’ll also learn what kinds of Garcinia Cambogia you must avoid, at all costs.

As the word spread (and I’m sure you know, it spread quickly) how powerful Garcinia Cambogia is – quack companies sprouted up from all over the place like weeds. In fact, these ‘quack companies’ use a dangerous additive that can make you fat.

Listen, I’ve been a practicing Doctor for decades, and trust me I’ve seen it all. So it’s important you have my ‘Doctor’s Eyes’ when looking for the most effective Garcinia Cambogia out there.

By the end of this report, you’ll know exactly what to avoid – and which Garcinia Cambogia I recommend to my own patients.

Ok, I admit it – I’ve recommended this to my family as well. Why? Because Garcinia Cambogia is truly a ‘Super Fruit’ and nature’s most effective fat buster. Like my family, you deserve the best too – so read on to see how Garcinia Cambogia can change your life for the better.

Do These Symptoms Look Familiar To You?


Hunger and ‘Snack’-Attacks’ out of nowhere. You wish you just had some more energy and less appetite all the time.


You wonder why everyone else has so much energy, can burn off those extra pounds without blinking an eye and how it seems so easy for them. You wish it could be easy to burn off extra fat too.


You’re always hungry. Even after meals you still want to eat – but you know you it’s better if you don’t. If only there was a way where you weren’t so hungry all the time.


Difficulty burning off those extra pounds. You don’t have time to exercise all day (and it hasn’t worked anyway) and you wish there was a natural way to burn off your extra body fat.

And here’s what’s most likely the worst part:

No One Really Understands
What You’re Going Through.

It’s really painful when loved ones give you all kinds of generic advice to burn off those extra pounds. If only they knew what it’s really like…if only they knew how hard it really was.

Diseases that cause long-term weight-gain and obesity are many and not limited to: Eating Disorders, Depression, Bowel Obstruction, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Vitamin Deficiency, Plantar Fasciitis, Osteoporosis, High Blood Pressure and even Osteoarthritis.

Any one of these can be devastating. I know what it feels like. Sometimes even getting out of bed in the morning feels impossible. And no matter what…

You just can’t Lose Weight

Feeling that extra fat around your stomach invades every aspect of your life.

Exercise? Diet Pills?
Forget it, you’ve tried it and nothing works for you. And it doesn’t go away.

And Let’s Be Frank:

Exercise Alone Is Just NOT The Answer

Now I work with patients who suffer from extra-fat and ‘food addiction’ every single day in my clinic. I’m a registered US Physician and Surgeon and people come into my office in real agony.

Over the years I learned that exercise alone simply is not enough for my patients. Exercise alone is not enough to burn off those pounds, to suppress their appetite and even feel in better moods throughout the day.

And all those ‘skinny’ people telling you what to do? Here’s why they’re wrong about you:

Your neighbor, colleague or family member might think that if exercise alone works for them, it will just work like magic for you too. It’s not true – and it’s not science-based either.

Everyone has a different genetic makeup and body-response mechanisms of what works most effectively for them.

Chemical-Based ‘Medical Inventions’ are Often
ADDICTIVE with Significant and Dangerous Side Effects

…oh, and they’re also super-expensive costing you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Until now, there have been a lot of prescription weight-loss medications with troublesome or addicting side effects. Plus, there have been loads of individual supplements that give you decent results as appetite suppressants or ‘energy boosters’. Maybe you’ve tried some and gotten mediocre (or worse) results.

That’s why what I’m going to share with you is life changing.

But first, beware of the harmful imitation and it’s dangerous additive.

The Science Behiend
Garcinia Combogia’s Power

Here’s how Garcinia Cambogia works to help you.

Your body converts food into energy. But the food that doesn’t turn into energy – enzymes (ATP citrate lyase)
in your liver turn that unused food into fat.

And Garcinia Cambogia’s ‘magic power’ is that it blocks those enzymes from turning food into fat. How? Garcinia Cambogia contains an extra high amount of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that blocks the ‘fat enzymes’ and end up preventing formation of fat.

But it gets even better…

Because not only does Garcinia Cambogia prevent fat from being created – it actually turns the unused food into pure energy.

Which is crucial because muscle burns 30-50 calories a day and fat can only burn 3 calories a day. So when you use Garcinia Cambogia your body becomes a calorie-burning machine.

Are you getting how incredible this super fruit is?
Here’s even more proof:

Dr. J. Chen, American Board of Internal Medicine certified, recently reported an incredible study.

Overweight women who took Garcinia
Cambogia for a full month had 2-3 times the weight loss of women who limited their
program to diet or exercise alone.

These women reported an average weight loss of 4 pounds. Do you see the power of this ‘Miracle Fruit’?

Here’s Why So Many Doctors & Scientists Became So Fas-
cinated & Excited By a Tiny Fruit in SouthEast Asia

And even recommended it to their patients and family…

So, what is so mysterious about Garcinia Cambogia?

Doctors recommend Garcinia Cambogia, not only because it burns fat – but because of it’s other incredible and surprising health benefits.

You see, Garcinia Cambogia, because of it’s high dose of HCA – increases Serotonin in the brain. Serotonin, as you probably know, is the neurotransmitter responsible for feeling happy and an overall wellness.

So just by giving yourself the right amount of Garcinia Cambogia every day (1600 mg of 60% HCA Garcinia Cambogia (I’ll show you how to get these kinds of doses below….) you’re giving yourself more joy, more energy and a better life.

These women reported an average weight loss of 4 pounds. Do you see the power of this ‘Miracle Fruit’?

Why The Real Garcinia Cambogia Is So
DIFFERENT From Other Super Fruits

Doctor have been referring to Garcinia Cambogia as the “Dual-Action Fat Buster”. The reason Doctors associate it to being like an Engine – is because it IS like having your own power-engine in your body – here’s how.

Garcinia Cambogia simultaneously suppresses your appetite AND turns your extra fat into LEAN MUSCLE. That’s where the “Dual-Action” is and it’s no wonder that….

Tribes In Southeast Asia & India Have Been Using
Garcinia Cambogia for

So Who is Garcinia Cambogia For?

Garcinia Cambogia is great for ‘emotional eaters’. Meaning, if you eat to feel better but you’d rather just feel better without eating – Garcinia Cambogia is for you.

Garcinia Cambogia allows you to focus on the things you should be focusing on. Enjoying your clothes, not worrying about your size. Plus you’ll look better because you have more lean muscle mass.

So if you want to shed some extra pounds naturally while having more energy and joy in your life – Garcinia Cambogia is for you.

And if you want a “Dual-Action Super Fruit” to burn unwanted fat and naturally turn it into lead muscle mass – Garcinia Cambogia is for you.


Before You Start To Use Garcinia Cambogia, Don’t Make The Mistake of Getting The ‘Harmful Imitation’ With The Dangerous Additive That Makes You Fat.

From two leading Doctors who aided the research
for Garcinia Cambogia,

Dr. Harry G. Preuss MD, MACN, CNS & Dallas Clouatre, PhD.

“How to achieve the best results with a Garcinia cambogia extract: Chose a preparation that is at a minimum 50% HCA and is not composed…of Calcium salts. Make sure Potassium is present.”

Drs. Harry Preuss & Dallas Clouatre

What Your Garcinia Cambogia MUST Have

You need to ensure your Garcinia Cambogia has 4 things:


At least 50% HCA (The ‘Sweet Spot’ is the stronger 60%)


Potassium (Potassium helps your body absorb nutrients into your body, so by having Potassium,
it helps absorb the potency of the Garcinia Cambogia)


100% pure Garcinia Cambogia with absolutely no fillers or additives


Vegetarian Capsules so the Garcinia Cambogia is contained in something Mother Nature would approve of. Not some chemical based ‘sealant’ like other companies, but 100% natural and edible capsules.

Here’s What You Must Look For In a Garcinia Cambogia
Label Before Purchasing To Guarantee You’re Getting

The 100% Pure & Authentic Garcinia Cambogia & NOT

The Harmful, Fattening Imitation…

Do not get Garcinia Cambogia that uses Calcium as an additive. Calcium reduces the effect of the HCA and
thus dilutes the ability to burn off fat. Meaning, by having Calcium as an additive it increase fat in your body.

Calcium that’s hidden in a Garcinia
Cambogia Extract makes you fat.

By preventing the fat from being burned properly, it keeps it in your body, stays there and ends
up increasing your body fat.

Look at how many companies are taking advantage of innocent consumers. Companies use Calcium additives because it sounds healthy – but really it’s just an additive to sell more of their product for less.

With Calcium as an additive it forces you to buy more and more of their bottles.
Just look at actual labels right here:

At this point you know you need to start using Garcinia Cambogia right away, so you’re probably asking yourself:

“Ok, but Which

Garcinia Cambogia should I use? How do I know it’s
the real thing or even the best one?”

…Right? Well I asked the same question that you did and suddenly had 3 horrible fears…

With hundreds of manufacturers out there, it can become overwhelming, confusing and frustrating trying to figure out which Garcinia Cambogia is the right one for you. So let me make it super
easy – because I’ve already done the research for you.

Here’s the back-story:

Just a few weeks ago, I wanted to figure out what to look for and how to overcome my concerns about the plethora of Garcinia Cambogia products. Trying to find a reputable product feels like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Well, I went through the haystack so you don’t have to.

We started the process by making a list of the main concerns we have over buying a good and reputable Garcinia Cambogia product. I thought it would be impossible to find.
Actually, I was afraid:

My 3 Biggest Fears of Getting an ‘Harmful Imi-
tation’ Garcinia Cambogia:


It’s not going to be effective. The truth is, there are a lot of products that don’t work at all.
Typically, this is because they don’t contain the right ingredients or the right proportions – and many contain hidden doses of Calcium.


It’s going to be too expensive to afford. As we conducted our research, we found that a lot of
companies sell Garcinia Cambogia for $100 or more…per bottle! Who wants to risk that kind of money on what could just be snake oil salesmanship?


The company is not reputable. How do I know if the company I buy from might just be exploiting another fad. How can you tell when a manufacturer is just trying to cash in on the latest diet? Most of those companies are all gimmick and no substance. How do you know that the company you choose to buy from is giving you the best extract? Are they FDA approved?


…And After EXHAUSTIVE Research, The Results Came In, Loud & Clear, with a Single Winner

My colleagues and I decided to filter through as many Garcinia Cambogia products as we could get our hands on, so we’d know the winner when we saw it.

…by the time we were done, we were exhausted.

We went through all kinds of bottles, we put them through our ‘3 Fear Test’ and checked out every bit of
information on them we could possibly find.

Yes, we called tens and tens of Doctors, did endless ‘Google Scholar’ searches, spoke with Wellness
Professionals, Herbologists, Scientists, went through Medical Journals, FDA Reports and even read books like “The Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements”.

So, how can you identify the legitimate

products through all the smoke?

There are 4 key factors to look for that can all but guarantee the product is genuine.

Third Party Monitoring: Independent monitoring companies track each company’s reputation and customer satisfaction. One of the most important qualities for a supplement manufacturer is their reputation. Look for a company with a solid reputation backed by third party monitoring.

Third Party Testing: Different than third party monitoring, third-party testing verifies the
quality of each company’s products. Third party testing is really expensive for manufacturers, since it can actually disqualify entire shipments of pills. But when companies don’t have
independent quality control, there is no guarantee that their
products are what they claim to be.

Uses The ‘Optimal Potency Formula’. While many companies claim to be without ‘Fillers or
Additives’ – when you check the fine print they have all kinds of painful surprises. High levels of Calcium and all kinds of added ingredients you’d think are fine but aren’t. The ‘Optimal Potency Formula’ guarantees 60% HCA, the perfect amount of Potassium, that the capsules themselves
are Vegetarian and is 100% pure Garcinia Cambogia that’s FDA approved.

Risk Free Money Back Guarantee: Forget a 30 or 60 day guarantee that makes it impossible to get your money back. We looked for a company that was so sure-fire confident that their Garcinia Cambogia is the real deal, best product out there that they offered a full 365 day guarantee. No questions asked and dead-simple to return if you’re not 100% in love with their product.

Believe it or not, we only found one company that passed all 4 tests with flying colors.

But We Didn’t Stop There, We Took To The Streets…

After all, numbers and percentages are only part of the story. We then went to seek out real customers who had used all the products we tested. We asked them for their most honest, no holds-barred feedback.

We compared all their feedback with our own notes, and then compiled this information to give you a list of the best products on the market.

A good Garcinia Cambogia extract should contain 60% HCA, a 1,600mg daily dose, and no additional ingredients other than a small portion of potassium to help with HCA absorption.

Most brands did not pass the above criteria.

Some of the Garcinia Cambogia companies included the right ingredients, but had too little HCA, which is the key compound in Garcinia Cambogia to burn-off fat. They use much less HCA than what was used in the clinical studies that led to fat loss.

Other companies forced their supplements with cheap fillers, binders, and other synthetic ingredients. Almost all of them avoided quality control testing.

And after the exhaustive research and meeting with dozens upon dozens of customers, it became clear as day who the winner is – and I think you’ll agree. Which is why…

I’d like to introduce you to the
‘Perfect Garcinia Cambogia’
extract that’s available today.

Introducing the hands-down, most trusted, most-used and most-effective FDA approved Garcinia Cambogia Extract on the market today.


Happy customers from all over the world (as well as my own private patients) report that it works fast.
It’s completely guaranteed. And the price is the one competitors are still trying to beat..

This is a major breakthrough for people trying to burn off
extra weight naturally without diet or exercise.

And Let Me Assure You,

I’d like to share with you why Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia is so effective in burning off extra weight with such ease.

If you’ve thought about your own experience with ‘extra weight’, you may feel frustrated, annoyed or even overwhelmed at the difficulty you’ve had not being able to burn off those extra pounds. Chances are, there’s some part of you feeling anxious about it right now.

One day you try some exercise. Another day you try a diet. Then one day you even meet with a doctor who prescribes chemical based pills that ‘might be addictive and have some minor side effects’. But all you want is a natural way to shed off those pounds without diet, exercise or harmful pills.

So you know Garcinia Cambogia is the way to go – but you’re not sure which one is
trustworthy, effective and is right for you.

So Let Me Assure You:

You Can Have Lasting Weight Loss…

You Can Feel Better Throughout Your Day With
More Energy & Even Greater Happiness…

And Now You Can Have The #1 Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Because now there’s finally a Garcinia Cambogia Extract that meets the highest standards of the FDA, all 4 top requirements from leading Doctors: Research Verified 100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract.

Look… for years folks suffering from extra weight, extra fat and low energy have been hoping for a miracle – that’s 100% natural, straight from Mother Nature herself. Of course, the miracle was revealed as Garcinia Cambogia – but then the diluters, imitators and snake-oil salesman appeared left and right. Adding Calcium as a ‘healthy additive’ that only forces you to buy more of their cheap imitation.

Then a bunch of honest manufacturers created products – but without understanding the science behind the ‘Optimal Potency Formula’ – they end up producing mediocre extracts. Because they might be honest, but they’re business people, not Doctors.

My Research Team & I Scoured The Entire Planet for the
Ultimate Garcinia Cambogia Extract…
Hands Down It’s Research Verified.

Which is why I’m so excited to share with you the Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia Extract. They’re a company run by Doctors, not sales people. As you saw earlier – My team and I didn’t just look through a number of other options for you. My team and I scoured the entire planet to find the best extract available – hands down it’s Research Verified
Garcinia Cambogia.

Why did we rate Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia as our #1 pick?

Primary Benefits:


High Quality of 60% HCA. Research Verified uses a high quality 60% HCA extract for maximum effectiveness


Absolutely No Fillers. Research Verified doesn’t contain any unnecessary ingredients, including any fillers or binders, and is NOT synthetic.


Rave Reviews From Customers All Over the World. Research Verified is supported by rave customer reviews. With many consumers reported seeing results in as little as one week.


100% Vegetarian Capsule. As all the Doctors advise, the capsule has a significant role in assisting the Garcinia Cambogia to take effect. Having it packed in a ‘Chemical Based Sealant’ would guarantee it from not working. Well, Research Verified took care of every last detail and packed their Garcinia Cambogia in a completely
vegetarian capsule.


‘Optimal Potency Formula’. Research Verified offers the exact, scientific based dosage recommended by the world’s foremost medical experts in Garcinia Cambogia. Plus, the Optimal Potency Formula is what’s supported and evidenced by clinical trials.


World Class Customer Support. Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia is supported by excellent service and an extended risk-free trial period of an entire year.

How did they manage without Research Verified’s
100% Pure & Potent
Garcinia Cambogia until now ?

So let me share something important with you…
The Key to Success Is Remembering To Take It Every Day.
If you’ve been worried about which Garcinia Cambogia to choose, I strongly urge you to try Research Verified.
Of course, it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
And if you’ve tried other products and you’re still miserable because of the extra fat that just won’t get off your body, I implore you to check out Research Verified completely risk-free.
Allow me to explain exactly how Research Verified’s Garcinia Cambogia can transform
your life
so that you’ll finally say…

Goodbye to Extra Fat…Once & For All!

Imagine losing 5 pounds over the next 7-14 days?

Imagine fitting into your jeans you never thought you’d fit into again?

Imagine feeling confident about your weight and body again?

How amazing would that feel?

Well, all of this is possible if you take Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia every day.

Don’t be surprised if you start telling your friends all about this.

We wouldn’t be surprised
if you start feeling like you’re 20 years old again.

YES! To finally feel strong and happy with yourself and your life.

YES! To spending quality time with your family & friends, happy with your new weight-loss.

YES! To enjoying going to work
everyday, feeling refreshingly
confident about your body.

Why Research Verified
Garcinia Cambogia Is Different

  • Outstanding Customer Reviews (many are reporting seeing results within 1 week)
  • 100% Pure & Authentic Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • 60% HCA
  • Potassium – to help absorb the potency of the Garcinia Cambogia
  • Vegetarian Capsules – Not some chemical based ‘sealant’ like other companies, but 100% natural and edible capsules.
  • Absolutely NO Calcium
  • Absolutely NO fillers, binders of ‘Fat Inducing’ additives
  • The highest reorder rate of all the products tested, so customers are clearly satisfied
  • Top Notch Customer Service
  • 100% money-back guarantee, 365 days a year
  • Manufactured by an FDA registered, CGMP certified laboratory
  • Approved by US Pharmacopeia’s rigid standards for purity

You’ll Finally Burn-Off Your
Extra Fat, Gain Lean Muscle & Feel…

Instead of using a harmful, diluted and imitation Garcinia Cambogia that makes you fat – get the one that’s 100% pure and potent from Mother Nature – Research Verified. Backed by Doctors, years of research, raving fans and thousands of years of happy use.

You won’t need to do the research – I’ve done it for you.

You won’t need to ask customers if they prefer and recommend Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia – you’ll meet them in a minute below.

You don’t need to look any further. Just listen to what Research Verified’s ‘Raving Fans’ say about their exciting results using Garcinia Cambogia:

From Our Raving Fans

“I’ve already lost 8 pounds!”

I just received my package of Garcinia Cambogia two weeks ago and already I’ve lost nearly 8 pounds!
I can hardly believe it.

I have cut down on carbohydrates, but I haven’t started cardio or core strength routines yet.

I have been happy with every part of this brand, from the delivery time to its fast results. I would recommend this product to anyone and everyone who wants to lose weight!

-Sara Hartman

“I have so much more energy”

I don’t usually take diet pills because I keep hearing stories about fake products and unsafe versions.

I’m so glad I gave Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia a chance, though. I have so much more energy and I’m
encouraged by how loose my clothes feel. Thank you, Research Verified!

-Sam Walker

“I already feel better in my clothes”

Before taking this product I was struggling to fit into my clothes and suffered from severe insomnia.

I’ve only been taking Garcinia Cambogia for about a week, but already I feel more comfortable in my clothes.

I am also relieved to say I am sleeping better! As a result I have more energy during the day and more
“pep in my step”.

For the first time in a while I am excited to step on the scale and see the new number. This product definitely lives up to its claims!

-Lori Hanley

“I love it, love it, love it!”

I love it, love it, love it! Did I mention I love it? I’m approaching the two week mark and I can see a significant

I’m especially impressed with how effectively it suppresses my appetite. Ordering was quick and convenient
and delivery was speedy.

Five stars!

-Nate Baker

“I’m SEEING the results”

I was very skeptical about diet supplements, but then I listened to Dr. Oz talk about Garcinia Cambogia. I did a lot of research and eventually started taking the supplement in August 2013.

I’ve finished the first bottle, and I have to say – I’m SEEING the results. When I talked to my doctor before starting to take Garcinia Cambogia, she told me to exercise daily and incorporate weight training as well.

At the time my pants were pretty snug. Now I’m seeing my size diminish, and that extra roll of fat I’ve had for years…keeps shrinking!

couldn’t be happier. I highly recommend Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia.

-J. J. Michaels

“I’m gaining confidence in my body!“

Even after only a week, it looks like I have found my answer in Garcinia Cambogia. I’ve definitely lost a few
pounds. It’s very exciting!

I’ve noticed places where the fat is melting off, especially on my arms and legs. I was also impressed with how quickly the product arrived in the mail.

I definitely see the results from this brand, which has not been the case with previous versions I have tried.

I had almost lost hope, but thanks to Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia I’m gaining confidence in my body!

-Vicky Davis

“I’ve lost a good few pounds!”

I’ve been taking Garcinia Cambogia for a month and have lost a good few pounds!

I am determined to lose even more so I ordered a three month supply.

I’m going to keep taking the supplements for at least another month and see how much I can lose. I’m
encouraged by the results so far.

-Joni Adams

Let’s Fast Forward
30 Days Into the Future…

You’ll wake up with less weight, more lean muscle and more energy.
Imagine a life without constant ‘hunger cravings’, ‘snack attacks’ and excess fat.
…and instead you felt like you had a new lease on life.
Picture being able to fall asleep without any difficulty.
Imagine feeling the joy of the new moments spent with more energy, filled with a youthful-like fun – excess fat GONE.
Just imagine.

People are reporting that in just weeks they are:
  • Burning off extra fat
  • Fitting better into their clothes
  • Gaining confidence in their body
  • Feeling more energetic

You can get your life back and burn off your extra weight too.
So let me remove all doubt from your mind:

Either Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia
helps you burn off your extra fat
or you shouldn’t pay for it, at all, period.

365 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

Use Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia as directed. And if you aren’t
a believer, simply return the bottle – even if it’s empty – and we’ll
give you a 100% complete refund, no questions asked.
You have nothing to lose…and everything to gain.


Single Bottle
Get 1 bottle of
Garcinia Cambogia
$48.00 + Shipping
Save 30%


3 Months Supply
Get 3 bottles of
Garcinia Cambogia
$120.00 – Free Shipping
Save 43%
Best Value


6 Months Supply
Get 6 bottles of
Garcinia Cambogia
For Just$419.70 $198.00
Save 53%
Free Shipping!

Just click ‘Add To Cart’ and we’ll ship Research Verified
Garcinia Cambogia straight to your door, right now.

Or feel free to pick up the phone to call 1-888-334-5055 and we’ll process your order by phone.

Frequently Asked Questions:

General Questions :

What is ResearchVerified™?

Research Verified™ was created to meet the needs of consumers wanting the highest quality product at a reasonable price with the research and science to back it up.

Research Verified™ consists of a team of researchers who look at the actual science behind what makes a product work.

We look through clinical studies to determine the potency and dosage that will be the most effective. We research where the highest quality ingredients can be found. We review the CofA’s (Certificate of Analysis) of every product. We make sure there are no contaminants in the product that might hinder results, like E coli, S aureus, Pseudomana Yeast and Mold.

The team at ResearchVerified™ finds the highest quality version of a product based on scientific data and a stringent research process.

Why should I trust ResearchVerified™?

Research Verified™ has an unprecedented Risk Free – 365 day – 100% money back guarantee. We want you to feel confident buying from Research Verified™ and confident that what you buy, is actually going to work.

Research Verified™ is also partnered with buySAFE to give you a guaranteed shopping experience for total peace of mind over your purchase. As stated on buySAFE’s website, Research Verified’s “identity, reputation, experience, financial stability, and ability to honor their sales terms and conditions have been verified by buySAFE.”

Why should I buy from ResearchVerified™?

For a product to contain the Research Verified™ Seal it must go through a diligent research process. Every product recommended and/or formulated by Research Verified™ must have the following criteria. If just one criteria is missing, that’s not good enough for our standards.

  • Contain only the highest quality ingredients based on the scientific research available.
  • Contain the proper dosage and purity based on clinical studies and/or scientific research.
  • Be manufactured in an FDA registered laboratory that is also cGMP certified.
  • Comply with the US Pharmacopeia’s quality standards for quality & purity.
  • Be insured by buySAFE for maximum consumer protection.
  • Raw ingredients must be third party tested.
  • Contain no contaminants in the product that might hinder results.

If you’re looking for the highest quality nutritional supplements available, turn to Research Verified™ first before wasting your time on inferior products. Research Verified™ is the best choice for quality and comes with a Risk Free 365 day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Why do you have a 365 day return policy?

There are several reasons for offering a 365 day return policy.
First of all, we understand that you may be skeptical when purchasing a supplement online. We want to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible.

Second, we are confident in the quality of our products and the ingredients inside. We are confident that when you buy from ResearchVerified™ you are getting only the very best.

Third, we understand that not every product will work for everyone and we don’t want you to pay for something that doesn’t work for you.

Why do you have a 365 day return policy?

ResearchVerified™ Products are only available online at

Where can I buy ResearchVerified™ products?

Yes, we take securing your personal information very seriously. All information in safely encrypted and cannot be accessed by anyone else. Furthermore our site is protected by SiteLock to protect against malware and Symantec to verify our security.

Is it safe to buy on ResearchVerified™?

You can either fill out our contact form by clicking here, give us a call at 800-685-3330 or send us an email at [email protected]. Our friendly customer support representatives are here to help you.

How can I contact customer support?

We always recommend that you check with your doctor or pediatrician before using any supplement, either from our website or elsewhere, if nursing or pregnant.

Can I take products offered by ResearchVerified™ if I’m pregnant or nursing?

Yes, we accept all bottles for returns (Empty, Used or Unopened).

Can I return an opened bottle?

Please use our contact form by clicking here, give us a call at 800-685-3330 or send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll make arrangements to give you a full refund (less shipping)

Shipping Questions :

Where do you ship to? Do you ship internationally?

We ship to any country worldwide. Please see our shipping rates at checkout.

Do you sell to Canada?

Yes. We have many happy customers in Canada. Yet, it may take a little longer to get there because of the postal system.

Is my order sent out discreetly?

Yes. We always send out every package discreetly to protect the privacy of our customers. There will be no identifying information of the contents on the outside of package.

When can I expect my order?

That depends on what delivery method requested. Please see estimated times at checkout.


I have to warn you that supplies might be gone by tomorrow. Look, Research Verified ships their Garcinia
Cambogia all over the world, every single day of the week. And right now, supplies are very limited. If you
wait to make your decision, you’ll most likely find this page with just 4 words on it: ‘Sold Out, Come Back Soon’.

So if you’re considering Research Verified – why don’t you just take their no risk offer guarantee. Worst case
scenario you get some, you’re not a believer and all you have to do is send it back and they return your
money, no questions asked, 365 days of the year.

Tomorrow you might not see this page – but if you take action now, you could have your own Research
Verified Garcinia Cambogia with your morning breakfast.

Sounds exciting, right? Then get yours now:

Final Call!

You’ve seen the extensive research.
You’ve seen what the world’s most recognized and respected Doctors recommend.
You’ve seen the results countless happy customers got. You’ve seen the science why Research Verified is the #1 Doctor recommended Garcinia Cambogia out there today, period.
Listen to the excitement you’re feeling right now just thinking about using Garcinia Cambogia tomorrow.
Because there’s a reason you’re excited:

You know this works.

You know Research Verified is the best Garcinia Cambogia for YOU.

  • So say YES to burning off your extra fat and weight quickly and easily.
  • Say YES to gaining lean muscle naturally without ‘insane’ workouts.
  • Say YES to organic serotonin boosts so you feel happier.
  • Say YES to feeling more energetic than you’ve felt in years.
  • Say YES to YOU! Because you deserve all this and much more.

Say YES to Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia so you burn your
unwanted fat, once and for all and feel…